lundi 25 avril 2011


Peace Corps is very difficult. Their slogan is “the hardest job you’ll ever love.” It’s true for me. Now that I have been here for six months I feel like I can understand it. It is difficult for many reasons, but God has done so much to prepare me to come here to serve him. I talked a lot about how he made me suffer through being poor for the first time in my life for the last two years so this time is going to be about discovering God. I grew up in Pittsburgh’s white suburbia. When I was in sixth grade, and my father was working for a very successful company at the time, we moved into one of the wealthier parts of suburbia, Fox Chapel. My mother wanted to get away from living in the same community where she taught. This plan of escape resulted in buying a very expensive house for a fairly good price in a very expensive neighborhood. A lot of my neighbors belonged to one of the top notch country clubs and sent their kids to the excellent private school that were both closer to my house than the high school that I attended. These aspirations may have been what my parents had in mind when we moved to this area, but then came the recession of the early 2000s. My father was laid off and I had similar images in my head to that of the Saved by the Bell episode where Kelly’s father loses his job and she can’t afford to go to the high school dance. These images were facilitated by my mother always saying that we had no money and now we were going to have to give up things that we had come to expect. I don’t actually remember this, but my mom tells a cute story about me when I was in elementary school and I told the teacher that my family was too poor to give up some onions so we could make soup for a project. We were living the American dream of the more you have the more you want. From the outside looking in, if you were poorer than my family you might have considered my family to be wealthy, or if you were richer than my family you would consider us to be middle class. My family did control their spending in a lot of ways though, like we never had a pool, sometimes we didn’t go on vacation and when we did it was in the continental US and I went to public school. We have been in some kind of awful debt for as long as I can remember. It’s the American way after all.

Although suburbia has other races in it, specifically a large population of Indian Americans went to my high school, the majority is by far white. My generation has had an advantage over generations before it. The advantage is that we have been taught over and over and over how terrible racism is. But this doesn’t even stop us from becoming raciest. I remember very well soon after moving to Fox Chapel finding it cool to draw swastikas and only making friends with the other white kids. Liking others who are like you is of course a good thing, but that line between loving your own kind and hating those who are different is very fine. I went through high school trying to be cool, and of course I cared to great degree what other people thought of me. We all want to be loved, but I concentrated a lot of my time trying to get into the inner rings that I could never join. I was always trying to convince myself I liked classic rock and that I didn’t like hip hop or pop, which if you know me now you know that it is the opposite. I distinctly remember one of the people that I wanted to like me talking about how he could smell the theater when 8 Mile came out. I can’t remember the things that I said but they were either just as bad or worse. The only contact I had with any black Americans my age was at church, but none of us wanted to be there or have anything to do with each other.

In college was the first time I was introduced to Americans of other ethnicities who wanted anything to do with me. My roommate in our tiny pie slice of a dorm room was Matt aka Matty Voice who was really into hip hop and he is still the best beat boxer I ever met. Matt was white, but he was really popular among the many of the black population that I was exposed to. He won the Black Action Society talent show with excellent renditions of Drop it Like it’s Hot and the Mario Brother’s theme. I became jealous of Matt’s popularity and skills and pushed him away. I feel like we could have been really great friends had I been more mature. I did make my first multicultural friend this year though, Chris aka c-dogg. Chris is half Pilipino and half Chinese and he lived in a dorm down the hall and hated his roommate. I love Chris. He’s one of the coolest guys I have ever met. Chris, Pete aka PTP1 and I were quite the trio and sometimes Mark aka Mulsh was added to our group when he stuck around in Oakland instead of taking off to the Southside. Pete is one of the biggest nerds that I have ever met, and I love the guy. I was really lucky to have these guys as friends. I really need to get in touch with Pete because he is just a few countries away in Cameroon right now. Like I said before I was a selfish, raciest, greedy, immature, self-serving people pleaser who only cared about myself. If you had asked me at this time if I was a Christian I would have told you yes, but I can easily tell you now that I wasn’t. I regularly attended a Christian fellowship called Cornerstone and volunteered occasionally with an organization that cared for the homeless, and I knew the gospel in my head but not in my heart. I cannot honestly tell you that all of the problems that I had back before I was a Christian are gone but I can say that God has done a lot of work on me. All of the sins I listed above are fairly easy to see and hate when you see them in other and you never suspect yourself to be guilty of them. I had a lot of friends at Cornerstone which is really the only thing that kept me coming back, (especially after they rejected me for a leadership position that they seemed to give out like candy, that really hurt my pride but also started the healing it needed) they were all white though.

Between freshmen and sophomore year I went on a study abroad trip to Beijing for two weeks. On this trip I absolutely loved the culture and met some of my best friends in the other people who went including Matt aka Magnum, Eric aka Jackhammer, and Guy aka Guy. Once again they were all white.

Sophomore year I lived with Eric aka Erow in a sweet hotel like dorm room. Eric has got to be one of the most goal oriented people that I have ever met. He is already married to a beautiful woman named Beth (I had the honor of being his best man) and works as an industrial engineer for a grocery store and tells me about how he should be making more money, he would rather be doing consulting and he plans to move to Copenhagen within ten years. No plan to have children yet though, but if that did happen he would have to reconsider all of his other plans. He is the one who got me interested in joining Peace Corps, which I am confident he would also love to do this, but I feel like his life is too structured to move to Africa without knowing what things will be like beforehand. I really liked living with Eric. He made me better. He got all A’s because he studied a lot. I remember complaining to our mutual friends that he would be studying when I wanted to watch TV or play video games. I did not study nearly enough. I would cheat on homework and just scrape by in the classes that I wasn’t interested in. When I think about what I learned in college the thing that sticks out the most is that I learned how to learn and think. Civil engineering is an excellent degree and I do feel like I earned it, but I would have had a much better GPA had I not cheated so much. I never turned to performance enhancing drugs to get better test scores, but that doesn’t make me better than those who did. Cheating is cheating.

My cheating drove a wedge between my relationship with Chris. We were studying the same major, but at the end of sophomore year he changed to Architectural studies. This was a good move for him, but at the time I felt like I was being abandoned. Now he is in graduate school studying architecture and he is really good at it. I frequently asked Chris for his homework so I could copy it and he was always unhappy doing that. I caught some students last term copying homework and they got zeros. When I caught them doing this I wasn’t angry. Instead I felt sympathy for them because of my own experience with cheating. I hope they can learn the same lesson that I did. Things are cool between Chris and me now. He is still one of the coolest people that I have ever had as a friend.

Between sophomore and junior year I worked for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. My position was as a co-op working for the bridge inspection crew. I hated this job and my boss. Everyone I worked with appeared to hate their job and their boss. I did make a lot of money though so I bought a flat screen TV. I decided not to return to that co-op.

Junior year I lived with Chris and Pete, but we continued to drift apart and I blame it on me. Although I wished this had never happened I can see why it was necessary. I was spending a lot more time at Cornerstone getting to know everyone there and a lot less with the friends that I had held onto since freshman year. I started to attend cornerstone events whatever they were. I didn’t care if they sounded fun or if my friends were going to be there. I went to a lot of volunteering opportunity and also all you can eat prayer (all night prayer was the real name for it but I like calling it all you can eat because there were a ton of snacks there so you could indulge in that too). I saw and admired this in my friend Dan aka Fish and decided to emulate it. Every event that I went to I could always tell myself that Dan will be there. Also at this time God brought into my life the best friend I have ever had JB aka Josh. JB is not cool. He is not attractive. He is very weird and childish a lot of the time. He is only the most loving and humble person that I have ever met. Oh yeah and he is black. I can imagine now how difficult it must be to be one of three or four black people in a crowd, but JB did it and changed my life because he did. There are a few reasons as to why JB became my best friend. JB and I have been perpetually single. We may date a little, but there has not been anything that you could possibly consider a relationship. We went to the same bible study for a long time and share 90% of our friends because of this. Lastly I see who I want to be in JB.

Second semester of junior year I started a new co-op at Bunting Graphics Inc. I was working as a project manager of sorts. They never gave me any real responsibility. I hated this job although my boss was alright. Everyone I worked with appeared to hate their job and their boss. While working here I went on a mission’s trip to the Naomi house orphanage in Navajo Nation Arizona during spring break. I went with a lot of people that I knew but didn’t hang out with. I don’t think I would have done this the year before, but now that it no longer mattered to me who was going. It did still matter if these people liked me though so that was my main focus of the trip. I succeeded. It didn’t really matter to me how much I could help out there even though that was really the reason I went there. I have been told many times that an experience is going to change your life, but never actually experienced that. The Naomi trip did not change my life. All it really did was showed me more people that I desperately wanted to be like. Rob aka Ham Loaf was the guy I admired most. I knew Rob from before, but we hardly knew each other. I would consider Rob to be the most genuine person I’ve ever met. Rob is married now to Chelsea who also went on the trip and lived in the apartment above mine at the time. I missed their wedding because I moved to Africa the month before. Another guy I became friends with is Andy aka dad. Andy and I have a very similar sense of humor so we hit it off rather quickly even though he is a huge West Virginia fan. He also was one of the Cornerstone leaders.

After I finished working at Bunting Graphics Inc. I went back to school for an entire calendar year. This wasn’t my plan. I wanted to find another co-op and continue trying to make civil engineering work out. Any civil engineering job is a good one right so if this is the case then in order to be successful I needed to continue down this path. I had hated both co-ops that I had had so far and neither of them wanted me back either. The co-op office decided that they weren’t going to help me find a new co-op. On the same night we had bible study. I was off during bible study and it must have been obvious because at the end of the night Andy started asking me what was wrong. We talked for a long time about how I felt like a failure. Andy praised me for my actions on the Naomi trip. This was the life changing experience that I was waiting for. God was speaking to me through Andy. I was like Jacob, wrestling with God for my whole life; serving myself instead of others. Any good that I did was a selfish desire to make myself feel a little happier. Happiness isn’t based on what happens to you it is how you face what happens to you. I thought that money and success would bring me happiness, but the only thing that could make me happy is doing as Jesus says. I needed to die to myself and live for others.

Becoming a Christian can be instantaneous like it was for Paul, but for me it took years. It was a slow painful process where all of my sins had to be revealed to me first. I needed a reason to repent before I could do so.

I went on a trip to Akagera National Park. It was great. I went with a bunch of friends on a safari. While riding on the truck I kept hanging out of the window to get a better look. Once when I was hanging out of the window I got whacked in the ear by a jaggerbush. The thorn on this jaggerbush was probably about an inch long. My ear got really bloody and hurt for a long time. I usually sleep on the same side that I got hit on and that night I could not sleep at all. Luckily the thorn did not stick in my ear because that would be serious. My ear healed completely within two days. I boast in my weakness like Paul did to the Corinthians. I rejoice in my failures. God has removed my thorns and healed my wounds, but I am always finding new ones that I need to ask Him to remove.

I attribute most of my understanding of the gospel to Greg aka The Baron. He was there for me from the first time I went to Cornerstone up until I left for Africa teaching how to be a disciple. Christianity is an education and I got a good one. He just got married as well to Jenna who is one of the coolest girls I have ever met and was probably not supposed to tell me this but she said if I hadn’t moved to Africa they would have wanted me in their wedding. I am happy to let someone else have the opportunity to share that special day with them, but it did hurt to not be able to make it. I just hope that what I said in this blog doesn’t embarrass him in any way because I know that I might have it wrong.


DSCN0905Akagera National Park is beautiful.

DSC_0716_2Everyone who went and the drivers.


IMG_8713 Me hanging out the window.

DSCN0932My poor ear.

DSCN0984I’m taking the bull by the horns. It’s a metaphor but it really happened.

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